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Concerns about the Current or Future Use of AI in Organizations

According to ABBYY’s State of Intelligent Automation Report 2024, companies are already investing heavily in AI with FOMO (fear of missing out) being a key driver — 63% of global IT leaders are worried their company will fall behind if they don't adopt AI.

In fact, many are doubling down on their investments — a whopping 96% plan to increase AI investment in the next year. Of these, 40% plan to raise their budget by as much as 30%.

Notwithstanding the obvious business benefits such as increased productivity, enhanced decision making and greater customer satisfaction, concerns about AI persists. These concerns include:

  • Potential for AI being misused in the company

  • The cost of implementation

  • Potential for AI hallucinations leading to inaccurate information

  • Technical complexity

  • Lack of talent/expertise

  • Concerns about copyright and data protection

  • Legal and Compliance risks

  • The amount of data required to train models

  • Lack of internal governance capacity

  • Risk of a negative impact on our reputation

With potential misuse by staff being the biggest concern (35%), it is vital that companies have their own AI policies in place to govern the responsible use of AI.

For example, given the proliferation of Gen AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude and Gemini, all companies ought to have a corporate policy in place to ensure its usage within the organization is ethical, and in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and company policies.

If you have not yet put in place such a policy, fear not. Simply submit a request using the link below to receive an editable template which you can freely customize based on your needs:


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